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Showing posts with label Java Indonesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Java Indonesia. Show all posts

Monday, December 5, 2011


Yogyakarta Travel - Yogyakarta is one of the most attractive and ancient historical cities in Java. Because of its proximity to Borobudur and Pramban Temple Complex, it is a major stop on the tourist route. Yogyakarta was established in 1755 when Prince Mangkubumi built the Kraton Palace, called himself Sultan and created the most powerful Javanese Kingdom since the 17th century. Today it remains a symbol of resistance to Dutch Colonial rule, as well as the centre for classical Javanese art and culture, including batik, Ramayana ballet, shadow puppetry and music.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

History Of Java Island

History of Java Island - The Javanese are mostly descended from migrants who settled the island in waves from about 4000 BC. Sawah - or wet rice - agriculture was developed gradually from 2000 BC, and trade with South India began as early as the 3rd century AD. It's believed that this contact led to the adoption of Hinduism in coastal kingdoms, while Southeast Asian Buddhism was also an influence and developed side by side with Hinduism, along with older beliefs.

In 732 AD the Hindu King Sanjaya founded the kingdom of Mataram, Java's first major political entity, which controlled much of central Java and built the Borobudur temple complex. By the 10th century, King Sendok's East Javanese kingdom was dominant; it was later extended by Airlangga and split into two, the eastern Janggara and the western Kediri, after his death.

Mongols invaded Java in 1292, bringing to the throne a new king, Wijaya, and a new kingdom, the Majapahit Empire, which would become the most powerful and famous of Javanese kingdoms until it fell in 1400. By which time Islam was making serious inroads, especially in coastal ports. Coinciding with Islam's rise was the arrival of the Portuguese in 1511, soon followed by the Spanish, British and Dutch.

In the course of the 17th century, the Dutch became increasingly militaristic and played their rivals off one another. By the early 19th century the Dutch had extended their influence over the sultanates of the interior and claimed Java as Dutch territory.

During the Second World War, in 1942, the island came under the control of Japanese. When the Japanese left the island in 1945, Sukarno proclaimed independence but the Dutch returned and an armed struggle ensued. Ultimately, Indonesia achieved independence in 1949.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Borobudur - One of the greatest Buddhist monuments in Southeast Asia, Borobudur was built in the 8th century and stands on top of a hill surrounded by volcanoes and overlooking green fields. It is an immense multi-tiered structure with the Great Stupa (bell-shaped monument) at the top standing 128ft (40m) above the ground, surrounded by numerous smaller stupas, some still containing Buddha statues inside. It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is a major tourist attraction in Java.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Bandung - Also known as the city of flowers and Paris of Java, it is the provincial capital of West Java and the third largest city of Indonesia. Bandung is located at a distance of 175 km from Jakarta and provides a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of Jakarta. The majority of the population is the native Sundanese from West Java, who are famous for their extroverted, easy-going nature and are reputed as zealous guardians of their ancient culture.

Bandung Tourist Attractions

Gedung Papak:
Built in the year 1920, this building was used as the City Hall in its initial years and later as the office of Bandung Municipality. The structure has been artistically restored and has become a good tourist attraction.

Bumi Silwangi:
The building was constructed in 1825 by a Eurasian millionaire of Italian origin, D. W Berrety. This building is a perfect point from where you can see the beauty of Bandung. It is now being used as Bandung Institute of Teachers Training Education.

Ciator Hot Spring:
The hot spring located at the base of Mount Tangkuban Perahu is a favourite picnic spot for the residents of Bandung. The site is situated at a distance of just 32 km north of Bandung and easily accessible by road.

Kawah Putih:
These are craters situated at Ciwidey, some 40 km south of Bandung. The craters have been now filled with sulphuric water giving them different hue and colours. Sometime it looks that the craters have been covered by the ice sometime they change colour from blue to green.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Java Indonesia

Java Island Travel & Tourism - Java is the most populous and the most developed island in the Indonesian archipelago. The island is politically divided into the provinces of West Java, East Java and Central Java. The capital city of Jakarta is also located on this island. Java is an epitome of rapidly changing society: beautiful countryside and filthy cities; tranquil rural scenes and streets congested with traffic.

Weather and Climate of Java Island

The temperature in Java doesn't vary much, ranging from a minimum of 23° C to a maximum 31° C. The rainy season is from April to October and the dry season is from May to September. Humidity is high throughout the year.

Best Time to Visit Java Island

Dry season is also the best time to visit Java because weather is clear, roads in the interiors are open, and temperatures are at their best.

Tourist Attractions/Places to See in Java Indonesia

Bandung: Also known as the city of flowers and Paris of Java, it is the provincial capital of West Java and the third largest city of Indonesia. Bandung is located at a distance of 175 km from Jakarta and provides a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of Jakarta. The majority of the population is the native Sundanese from West Java, who are famous for their extroverted, easy-going nature and are reputed as zealous guardians of their ancient culture

One of the greatest Buddhist monuments in Southeast Asia, Borobudur was built in the 8th century and stands on top of a hill surrounded by volcanoes and overlooking green fields.

Prambanan Temple Complex: Rivalling the Buddhist monument of Borobudur, this magnificent Hindu temple is the largest in Java and the most beautiful in Indonesia. Prambanan was built in the 9th century, possibly to compete with the splendour of Borobudur, or to celebrate the return to power of the Hindu dynasty in Java at the time. From May to October the Ramayana Ballet, a traditional Indonesian dance based on the Ramayana story, is performed on an open-air stage at the complex during the full moon and is a spectacular sight involving hundreds of dancers, singers and musicians.

Yogyakarta: Yogyakarta is one of the most attractive and ancient historical cities in Java. Because of its proximity to Borobudur and Pramban Temple Complex, it is a major stop on the tourist route.

Sangiran: Located in Central Java, Sangiran is an important archaeological excavation site, where some of the best examples of fossil skulls of prehistoric 'Java Man' were unearthed by a Dutch professor in 1936.

National Museum: Located in Central Jakarta, and built in 1862, National Museum is the best museum in Indonesia and one of the finest in Southeast Asia. It has an enormous collection of cultural objects of the various ethnic groups - costumes, musical instruments, model houses et al. - and numerous fine bronzes from the Hindu-Javanese period.

Shopping in Java
Yogyakarta is the best place for shopping in Java. You can buy an incredible variety of souvenirs, arts and crafts, woodcarvings batik cloths and garments, hand-woven fabrics, traditional and local jewellery, leather puppets, basketry, tortoise-shell accessories, trinkets, brassware and other decorative items, and all kinds of antiques. Shopping in Bandung is also full of fun. As the city is capital of Western Java, you can look for traditional as well as imported goods in the market.

How to Reach Java Island
Jakarta is Indonesia's busiest international airport and is the hub of the domestic air network. Bandung also has an airport and is connected to Jakarta and other places in Indonesia. Indonesia has one of the most extensive ferry and passenger ship networks in the world, with regular boats running between all the main inhabited islands. A ferry shuttles between Ketapang in eastern Java and the west-Balinese port of Gilimanuk. There are numerous ships and ferries between Java and various ports in Sumatra. Regular ships also ply between Jakarta and Singapore via the Indonesian island of Tanjung Pinang.