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Showing posts with label Warehouse Safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warehouse Safety. Show all posts

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Docks ( Non-Forklif )

  • Whenstocking shelves by hand, position the materials to be shelved slightly infront of you, so you do not have to twist when lifting and stacking materials
  • Visuallyinspect for sharp objects or other hazards before reaching into containers suchas garbage cans, boxes, bags or sinks
  • Remove orbend nails and staples from crates before unpacking the crates
  • Whencutting shrink wrap with a blade, always cut away from you and your co-workers
  • Do nottry to kick objects out of pathways; push or carry them out of the way
  • Do notlet items overhang from shelves into walkways
  • Moveslowly when approaching blind corners
  • Placeheavier loads on the lower or middle shelves
  • Removeone object at a time from shelves
  • Placeitems on shelves so that they lie flat and do not wobble

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pallet Jack Use

  • Onlypallet jack operators may operate pallet jacks
  • Do notexceed the manufacturer's load rated capacity; read the lift capacity plate onthe pallet jack if you are unsure
  • Do notride on pallet jacks
  • Start and stop the palletjack gradually to prevent the load from slipping
  • Pullmanual pallet jacks; push them when going down an incline or passing close towalls or obstacles
  • If yourview is obstructed, ask a spotter to assist in guiding the load
  • Stop thepallet jack if anyone gets in your way
  • Neverplace your feet under the pallet jack

Hand Truck Operation

  • Whenloading hand trucks, keep your feet clear of the wheels
  • Do notexceed the manufacturer's load rated capacity; read the capacity plate on thehand truck if you are unsure
  • Place theload so that it will not slip, shift or fall; use the straps, if they areprovided, to secure the load
  • Forextremely bulky or pressurized items such as gas cylinders, strap or chain theitems to the hand truck
  • Tip theload slightly forward so that the tongue of the hand truck goes under the load
  • Push thetongue of the hand truck all the way under the load that is to be moved
  • Keep thecenter of gravity of the load as low as possible by placing heavier objectsbelow the lighter objects
  • Push theload so that the weight will be carried by the axle and not the handles
  • If yourview is obstructed, ask a spotter to assist in guiding the load
  • Do notwalk backward with the hand truck, unless going up stairs or ramps
  • Whengoing down an incline, keep the hand truck in front of you so that it can becontrolled at all times
  • Move handtrucks at a walking pace
  • Storehand trucks with the tongue under a pallet, shelf, or table

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hazardous Material

  • Followthe instructions on the label and in the corresponding Material Safety DataSheet (MSDS) for each chemical product you will be using in your workplace
  • Usepersonal protective clothing or equipment such as neoprene gloves, rubberboots, shoe covers, rubber aprons, and protective eyewear, when using chemicalslabeled "Flammable", "Corrosive", Caustic" or"Poisonous"
  • Alwaysuse your chemical goggles and the face shield when handling chemicals labeled"Corrosive" or "Caustic"
  • Do notuse protective clothing or equipment that has split seams, pin holes, cuts,tears, or other visible signs of damage
  • Each timeyou use your gloves, wash them, before removing the gloves, using cold tapwater and normal hand washing motion; always wash your hands after removing thegloves.
  • Onlydispense a liquid labeled "Flammable" from its bulk container locatedin areas posted "Flammable Liquid Storage"
  • Beforepouring, dispensing or transferring any liquid from a bulk container labeled"Flammable", observe the following safety procedure:
  1. Only use the redcolor-coded, plastic or metal containers for transferring the liquid.
  2.  Electrically ground andbond the containers as follows:
  • a) Attach the clip at oneend of the grounding wire to the rim of the dispensing container and thenattach the clip at the other end of the grounding wire to a ground source, suchas a ground driven steel stake.
  • b) Attach the clip at oneend of the bonding wire to the rim of the dispensing container and then attachthe clip at the other end of the bonding wire to the rim of the receivingcontainer.
  • c) You are now ready todispense the liquid from the bulk container into the opened receivingcontainer. Upon completion, replace the lid on the receiving container andremove the bonding wire.
  • Beforeusing the chemical exhaust hood, flip the fan motor switch to the"On" position
  • Do notuse chemicals from unlabeled containers or unmarked cylinders
  • Do notperform "hot work", such as welding, metal grinding or other sparkproducing operations, within 50 feet of containers labeled"Flammable" or "Combustible"
  • Do notdrag containers labeled "Flammable"
  • Use therubber cradle when transporting unpackaged, glass bottles of chemicals
  • Do notstore chemical containers labeled "Oxidizer" with containers labeled"Corrosive" or "Caustic"