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Showing posts with label Air Quality Safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Air Quality Safety. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2010

Tips On Chemical

Chemicalscan enter the air in your home when you paint, use cleaning solvents, installpressed wood, install new carpets and use new fabrics. These chemicals canirritate your eyes, throat, and nose. High levels can give you a headache ormake you feel dizzy.

Tips onchemicals:

  • Makesure your home has lots of fresh air.
  • Usesafe paints, cleaners and other products. Look for those with the fewestwarnings.
  • Readlabels. Some chemicals should only be used in well-vented spaces. The label maytell you if the chemicals can cause cancer or other health problems.
Fact sheets of common toxicchemicals

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tips Of Asthma


Fora comprehensive report on asthma in Wisconsin, see the recently released:
  • Asthmais an illness that causes wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness andcoughing. More than 3,000 young people are hospitalized every year in Wisconsinwith asthma. Pets, molds, pollen, and cockroaches can trigger asthma. Smoke,chemicals, ozone, and exhaust fumes can also trigger asthma.  Moreinformation on asthma in Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Asthma Program at theDepartment of Health Services can be found at the “new” asthma website. 

Tipsfor People with Asthma:

  • Ifa person with asthma is allergic to cats or dogs, the family pet may need to beremoved from the home. At least keep pets out of the person’s bedroom.
  • Consideradding a high efficiency air filter to your heating system.
  • Controlhumidity. Keep the humidity below 50% and fix moisture problems. This willreduce dust mites, molds and mildew.
  • Reduceair pollutants like smoke, solvents, and pollen in your home.
  • Getrid of cockroaches by carefully cleaning (especially in the kitchen) andremoving trash every day. Use pesticides as a last resort.
  • Dampmop, damp dust, and vacuum often. Use mattress and pillow covers. Removecarpets, drapes, books, stuffed animals, and feather or down pillows and coversfrom the bedroom. Wash bedding once a week using hot water to kill dust mites.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tips On Mold And Mildew

Moldand Mildew

Moldsand mildew grow in damp, dark places. Molds and mildew can cause lung problems– especially in people who have allergies or asthma. You can prevent the growthof molds and mildew in your home by controlling humidity.


Tipson mold and mildew:

  • Control moisture. Use a dehumidifier during thesummer. Use an exhaust fan in the kitchen and bathroom. Vent the clothes dryerto the outdoors and make sure the vent pipe is not clogged.
  • Fix plumbing leaks before mold grows.
  • Don’t store firewood inside. Bark containsmillions of mold spores.
  • More on molds and mildew.

Tips On Smoke And Carbon Monoxide


Thequality of the air in your home can affect your family’s comfort and health.The temperature and humidity should be controlled. Air should be clean and freeof harmful chemicals and smoke. Poor air quality can cause a stuffy nose, sorethroat, burning eyes, headache, and sleepiness. People who have asthma,allergies or lung disease are affected more than others.
Carbonmonoxide from faulty home heating systems cause about 200 deaths a year in theUnited States.  Carbon monoxide can also come from using portablegenerators inappropriately.  If you can not vent the exhaust from yourportable generator safely, do not use it!

Tipson smoke and carbon monoxide:

  • Bantobacco smoke from your home.
  • Installa carbon monoxide detector near bedrooms.
  • Inspectyour gas appliances and chimney every year. Replace furnace filters every monthor two during periods of use. Make sure your gas dryer, furnace and waterheater are vented to the outdoors.
  • Keepfireplaces and wood stoves well vented to the outdoors. 
  • Burnonly clean, untreated wood.
  • Neverlet a car or any gas engine idle in a garage or carport.
  • Neveruse a charcoal grill indoors or in a closed area like a garage.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tips Of Asbestos


Asbestosis used in heating insulation, pipe wrap, floor tiles, slate siding, slateshingles, and ceiling tiles. Asbestos is harmful when it is damaged and fibersenter the air. Breathing air that contains asbestos fibers over several yearscan increase your risk of lung cancer.

Tipson Asbestos:

  • If you think you may have asbestos in your home,contact a certified asbestos inspector to find out what actions are needed.
  • Don’t try to remove asbestos by yourself. Onlytrained professionals should do this work.
  • If asbestos is present and in good condition, itmay be best to manage it without removal.

Tips On Radon


Radonis a colorless, odorless, soil gas that can seep into your home through cracksin concrete. Radon related lung-cancer causes thousands of deaths in the U.S.each year. Only smoking causes more. All homes should be tested.

Tipson radon:

  • Testyour home. Many hardware stores sell low-cost test kits. Your local healthdepartment may also have test kits. Make sure the kit has the words,"Meets EPA Requirements" on the package. Test the air of the lowestfloor of your home that is lived in. If the radon level is less than 4picocuries per liter, no action is needed.
  • Ifthe level is above 4, repeat the test (or do a year-long test) to find theaverage level in your home.
  • Correctthe problem if the second reading is also above 4. Call the Radon InformationCenter at 1-888-LOW RADON or contact your local public health department formore information.
  • Moreinformation on Radon.