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Showing posts with label Tourist Attraction. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sumatera Island

Sumatra Island in Indonesia - Sumatra is a complete tourist destination-sunny beaches, rich flora and fauna, large rivers and great history. Sumatra has the richest wildlife in Indonesia and hence it is known as "Africa of Asia". It is full of tropical rainforests and if you are a wildlife lover then Sumatra is the ideal place for you. Trekking is another option that you can opt for in Sumatra. Sumatra attracts fewer tourists than its neighbors like Java and Bali. So if you are looking for a quiet holiday away from maddening crowds then Sumatra fits the bill perfectly.

History of Sumatra Island
The first large empire to make Sumatra its home was Sri Vijaya Empire- the first Hindu kingdom of Indonesia-in the 7th century. In 10th century the Arabs established their Sultanate of Achin (now Aceh) in a part of Indonesia. By the 14th century, most of the power of Sri Vijaya Kingdom waned and Sumatra came under the direct control of Javanese rulers. Later on, in the 17th century, the Dutch established their control over Sumatra. In 1942, during Second World War, Sumatra came under the control of Japan and remained so for a year. When Indonesia attained independence and became a republic in 1949, Sumatra became a part of Indonesia. But, the Achinese protest against the Indonesian government continued and in 1958 a full-scale rebellion was launched by the army officers. Internal struggles and problems have still not waned and it is advisable to check the current situation before going to Sumatra.

Weather of Sumatra
Sumatra is located on both sides of the equator in equal halves; hence it is divided in two climatic zones. In north of equator October to April is the rainy season, while May to September is the dry season. In south of equator, rainy season is from December to February.

Best Time To Visit Sumatra Island
The best time to visit Sumatra is in September and October. It is the beginning of the rainy season and generally there are no torrential rains during this period. One can travel to inner countryside without much of a problem during this time
Medan: Medan is the capital of Sumatra and an ideal gateway for those wanting to explore this island. The architecture of the city shows strong Dutch influence. Some of the better-known attractions in the city are Istana Maimoon, Masjid Raya, building of Bank Indonesia, and High Court, Bukit Barisan Military Museum, and the Museum of North Sumatra.

Berastagi: The beautiful town of Berastagi is located in karo highlands about 70km from Medan. The town is dominated by two volcanoes-Gunung Sinabung and Gunung Sibayak. There are plenty of trekking and wildlife options in Berastagi. The town is famous for its fruits, vegetables and flowers.

Lake Toba: Situated at a height of around 1000 metres above the sea level, this picturesque lake is located at a distance of 175 km from Medan. The lake surrounds the densely populated island of Samsoir and its cool upside countryside is covered with tobacco, rubber, and palm oil plantations.

Danau Ranau: The beautiful mountain lake of Danau Ranau is in the Bukit Barisan Mountains of southern Sumatra. It is one of the least spoiled of Sumatra's mountain lakes, and offers cool and quiet atmosphere.

Aceh: Aceh lies is north Sumatra. It is strikingly beautiful but not very popular among visitors as it is infested with insurgency. Islam is the predominant religion in the country and people represent different ethnicity like Chinese, Indonesian, Tamil, and Arab. Some of the popular destinations here include extension of Gunung Leuser National Park, beaches, Orang-utan rehabilitation centre (one of the largest wildlife rehabilitation centres in the world).

One of the most popular places for shopping in Medan is Jln Jend A. Yani. The place is full of souvenir and art shops. Some of the souvenirs that you can look for here include paintings, antiques, batik, statues and carvings. Ulos (hand-woven cloths) and accessories made of seashells, boar-tusks and buffalo horns are some other good bargains here.

How To Reach Sumatra
Medan has an airport connected to Jakarta, Penang, and Singapore. Daily flights from Medan to other cities in Sumatra are available as well. Direct flights to other cities of Sumatra from Java and places outside Indonesia are also operational.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sulawesi Island

Sulawesi Island in Indonesia - Formerly known as Celebes, Sulawesi is shaped like a tropical orchid. It is Indonesia's third-largest island with an area of 172,000 square km. The island of Sulawesi is divided into the provinces of North Sulawesi, South Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi. Sulawesi has great topographical variety-spectacular mountains, scenic coastline, lakes, rice and dense jungles-and offer wonderful opportunities for travelers.

History of Sulawesi Island

Much of Sulawesi's early history was written in old texts that can be traced back to the 13th and 14th centuries. When the Portuguese, the first western visitors, reached Sulawesi in 1511, they found Makassar a thriving cosmopolitan entre-port where Chinese, Arabs, Indians, Siamese, Javanese, and Malays came to trade their manufactured metal goods and fine textiles for precious pearls, gold, copper, camphor and, of course, the invaluable spices - nutmeg, cloves and mace which were brought from the interior and from the neighbouring Spice Islands, the present day Moluccas.

By the 16th century, Makassar had become Sulawesi's major port and centre of the powerful Gowa and Tallo sultanates. The arrival of the Dutch in the early 17th century caused an upheavel in Sulawesi. To create their hegemony over the spice trade they captured the fort of Makassar in 1667, which they rebuilt and renamed Fort Rotterdam. From this base they managed to destroy the strongholds of the Sultan of Gowa who was then forced to live on the outskirts of Makassar.

The town again became a collecting point for the produce of eastern Indonesia- the copra, rattan, pearls and sandalwood. Although the Dutch controlled the coast, it was not until the early 20th century that they gained power over the interior through a series of treaties with local rulers. Meanwhile Dutch missionaries converted many of the Toraja people to Christianity. Later on when Indonesia became independent, Sulawesi became a part of it.

Sulawesi Weather

Sulawesi has warm tropical climate with wet and dry seasons lasting approximately six months each. The dry season is from April to October and the wet season is from November to May.

Best Time To Visit Sulawesi

The best time to visit Sulawesi is during dry season from April to October. June to October offers the best chance of witnessing a major Torajanese funeral. 

Manado: It is the capital of North Sulawesi Province. Manado offers a variety of terrain with hills, volcanic mountains and scenic plateaus.

Bunaken Sea Garden: The world famous Bunaken Marine National Park, with an area 75.26 hectares, is located very close to Manado and comprises of 5 islands: Bunaken, Manado Tua, Siladen, Mantehage and Nain. The superb diving and snokelling sites puts the Marine Park in one of the top 10 dive area of the world and is a mecca for seasoned and beginner divers alike.

Manado Tua Island: This island is the main island of the group. There is a hiking path to the top which takes several hours to climb, and offers a spectacular view of all the islands of Manado Bay. The place offers excellent opportunuties for diving and snorkeling.

Kendari: Capital of Southeast Sulawesi. It is the seat of government and tourist center of the province. It lies along the sloping hill and seaside of Kendari Bay.

Moramo Waterfall: The fall is unique in itself. It traverses a 2 km plateau, with 127 separate terraced plumes, with the top of the waterfall some 100 meters above its basin pool. the falls have seven main terraces, each with its own natural bathing pool.

Moramo Bay: This clean, pollution-free bay is only one and one half hours by car or speedboat from Kendari. The white sand beaches of Moramo Bay are host to all sorts of water activities and sports

Shopping in Sulawesi Indonesia
Some of the favorite shopping items in Sulawesi are filigree silverware and ornaments, hand-woven silks and cottons, hand carved wooden panels and pictures, bamboo household ornaments and brassware.

How to Reach Sulawesi
Makassar is the main airport. There are several flights each day from all major cities of Indonesia.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Kalimantan Indonesia - Formerly known as Borneo, Kalimantan is the world's second largest island. The North and northwestern part of the island are the East Malaysian state of Serawak and Sabah, with the newly independent state of Brunei Darusalam between them. The rest of the island is part of Indonesia, divided into four provinces - East Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and South Kalimantan.

Kalimantan is one of the most bio-diverse places on the earth. It has one of the world's largest tropical rainforests and is home to rare flora and fauna.

History of Kalimantan
According to the Sanskrit inscriptions dating back to 400 A.D., Kalimantan came under the early influence of Indian settlers. But by 15th century, Islamic had great impact on Kalimantan and was rapidly embraced by the different kingdoms in the island.

In the early 1600s, the Dutch began to establish trading agreements in Kalimantan and gained monopoly of the spice trade in Banjarmasin and diamond trade in Sambas. They also made contract with Pontianak in 1778. Gradually, they took control of all of what is now Kalimantan.

Kalimantan was occupied by the Japanese forces during the 2nd World War. After the war, the Dutch failed to regain control of the area. Later on Indonesia achieved its independence and Kalimantan became a province and was later divided into four provinces.

Climate of Kalimantan
Kalimantan has tropical climate and very high rainfall throughout the year. Average rainfall is around 3000 mm per annum. The temperature varies between 29º C and 34º C and the humidity is in the range of 95-98%.

Best Time to Visit Kalimantan
The best time to visit this fascinating island is during the months of September and March, when temperatures are much cooler-in the vicinity of 27°C with pleasant sea breezes. 
Derawan Island: It is a favorite place for marine tourism. There are many rare animals such as the green turtle, the scarlet turtle, star fruit turtle and sea cow. The place is also home to many rare species of marine plants and coral reef. It s also a good place for scuba diving, pearl diving, fishing, swimming and other water sports.

Bontang: Located in the regency of Kutai with 200.000 ha, Bontang has rare flora and fauna. The Kutai National Park near Bontang is worth visiting to see sceneries, especially those at Bears Bash.

Pontianak: It is the capital of West Kalimantan. Some of the favorite tourist spots include Equator Monument, Caldaria palace in Kampong Dalai, the State Museum, the Kapoks and the Landau Bridges and floating market.

Gunning Palung National Park and Nature Reserve: The Gunung [Mount) Palung national park located in the Ketapang regency is home to rare flora and fauna. The Raya Pasi mountain located in the Singkawang regency is also interesting to visit to see the Rafflesia or the Giant Flower. Singkawang is also a nature reserve. The forest of Sanggau is worth a visit where hot springs, lakes and caves can be found.

Palangkaraya: Palangkaraya is the provincial capital of Central Kalimantan and situated in the upstream region of the Kahayan river. Nowadays, the town has become the center of government, trade and education of the province. The Regional Museum of Palangkaraya contains a collection of historical and cultural interest from all over Central Kalimantan. The Nature Reserve of Tangkiling lies 34 km north of Palangkaraya.

Sampit: Sampit town, on the Sampit river and the capital of Sampit regency, is known as the biggest timber port in Kalimantan as well as in Indonesia. One can find many interesting tourism attractions in Sampit. Pandaran Beach is a park on the seaside at the mouth of the Sampit river. It is quite unique. On the north one can see the river emptying into the sea, while to the south is the wide expanse of the Java Sea. The Orchid Park of Pembuangan Hulu is a natural forest in which a number of rare and beautiful orchid varieties grow. Hunters can engage in their favorite pastime at the Serayan river, which borders on the hunting park of Kotawaringin Barat.

Shopping in Kalimantan
Some of the favorite shopping items in Kalimantan are ceramic household ornaments, hand-woven silks and cottons, rattan furniture and other handicraft items made of bamboo.

How to Reach Kalimantan
There are regular international and domestic flights to Sepinggan Airport in Balikpapan. The airport is well connected to nearby countries such as Malaysia and Singapore and to other domestic destinations such as Jakarta, Denpasar (Bali), Semarang and Makasar.