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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cylinder Storage

  • Cylinders should be stored in compatible groups
- Flammables from oxidizers
- Corrosives from flammables
- Full cylinders from empties
- All cylinders from corrosive vapors.
  • Keep oxygen cylinders a minimum of twenty feet fromflammable gas cylinders or combustible materials. If this can not be done, separationby a non-combustible barrier at least 5 feet high having a fire-rating of atleast one-half hour is required.
  • Secure empty and full cylinders to a fixed support byuse of chains, or other substantial restraining devices.
  • Store cylinders in an upright position.
  • Keep valve protective caps in place when the cylinderis not in use.
  • Mark empty cylinders EMPTY or MT.
  • Keep valves closed on empty cylinders.
  • Cylinders must be kept away from sources of heat.
  • Cylinders must be kept away from electrical wiringwhere the cylinder could become part of the circuit.
  • Store cylinders in well-ventilated areas designatedand marked only for cylinders.

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