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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hand Truck Operation

  • Whenloading hand trucks, keep your feet clear of the wheels
  • Do notexceed the manufacturer's load rated capacity; read the capacity plate on thehand truck if you are unsure
  • Place theload so that it will not slip, shift or fall; use the straps, if they areprovided, to secure the load
  • Forextremely bulky or pressurized items such as gas cylinders, strap or chain theitems to the hand truck
  • Tip theload slightly forward so that the tongue of the hand truck goes under the load
  • Push thetongue of the hand truck all the way under the load that is to be moved
  • Keep thecenter of gravity of the load as low as possible by placing heavier objectsbelow the lighter objects
  • Push theload so that the weight will be carried by the axle and not the handles
  • If yourview is obstructed, ask a spotter to assist in guiding the load
  • Do notwalk backward with the hand truck, unless going up stairs or ramps
  • Whengoing down an incline, keep the hand truck in front of you so that it can becontrolled at all times
  • Move handtrucks at a walking pace
  • Storehand trucks with the tongue under a pallet, shelf, or table

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