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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tips On Radon


Radonis a colorless, odorless, soil gas that can seep into your home through cracksin concrete. Radon related lung-cancer causes thousands of deaths in the U.S.each year. Only smoking causes more. All homes should be tested.

Tipson radon:

  • Testyour home. Many hardware stores sell low-cost test kits. Your local healthdepartment may also have test kits. Make sure the kit has the words,"Meets EPA Requirements" on the package. Test the air of the lowestfloor of your home that is lived in. If the radon level is less than 4picocuries per liter, no action is needed.
  • Ifthe level is above 4, repeat the test (or do a year-long test) to find theaverage level in your home.
  • Correctthe problem if the second reading is also above 4. Call the Radon InformationCenter at 1-888-LOW RADON or contact your local public health department formore information.
  • Moreinformation on Radon.

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