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Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Arts Of Bali

ArtisticallyBali is a melting pot of cultures and traditions. The Balinese have a natural capacity forabsorbing different cultural elements to blend them with their own to produce dynamic newhybrids. Over the years Bali has been the recipient of numerous influences, Chinese,Buddhist, Indian, Hindu, Javanese and most recently, Western. For centuries artists andcraftsmen in Bali worked under the patronage of the priests and ruling classes, decoratingpalaces and temples. The artists themselves were anonymous, never signing their work andusually living close together in artists' 'villages'.

Generallythe artists did not have much room for personal expression as their designs followedstrict aesthetic and religious guidelines. With the arrival of European artists at thestart of this century, this soon began to change and artists started developing their ownindividual styles.

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