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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Affiliate Marketing Can Increase Site Traffic

Ever wonder how got to be the biggest “department store” on the web? Here’s one clue: they invented the idea of affiliate programs – a business model in which publishers and other businesses promote their offerings on the Amazon site.

In an affiliate program, a site owner rewards one or more affiliates for each click-through or purchase they generate through their marketing efforts. By creating and promoting an affiliate program, an established business gains access to new markets. It also saves money on marketing – because its motivated team of “re-sellers” gets paid only if and when they produce results.

Creating Your Own Affiliate “Street Team”

Of course, if you’re looking to drive visitors to your site, creating an independent affiliate program is a great option. By making it attractive – and profitable – for others to promote your site and its offerings, you’ll expand your reach, and boost awareness among potential site visitors.

Establishing an affiliate program can also result in a greater number of links to your site – something that affects your site’s placement in the major search engines. There are many affiliate program platforms to choose from, and not all of them are configured for search engine optimization, so be sure to read the small print before you commit.

Playing – and Partnering – With the Big Boys

Let’s say you maintain a website that serves as the digital storefront for your CD shop. While your physical inventory may be modest, an affiliate relationship with Apple iTunes or Tower Records can turn your site into a monster music source. And that means more visits from more potential customers.

As an affiliate, you can dress up your site with your partner company’s marketing materials, gaining an instant boost for your corporate image. This not only earns you a commission when visitors click through to your partner’s site and make a purchase, it also makes your site a cooler place to hang out. And this “stickiness” leads directly to increased traffic, and more purchases of your core merchandise.

Let’s return to the Amazon example. Books are published about everything in the world, so there’s no limit to the type of business that might recommend Amazon for a book purchase. From the Harley retailer that thinks his clientele will appreciate Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance to the student organization pointing its membership toward used textbooks, Amazon’s affiliate program allows sites to attract greater traffic by doing well (and making money).

Conduit – Boosting Your Affiliate Advantage

Conduit community toolbars increase website traffic, by bringing home the message that your site – with all its attractive, affiliate-sponsored goodies – is worth the click. They encourage site visits, by prominently spotlighting your affiliate-related content whenever toolbar subscribers are online.

The toolbar also serves as an “always-on” pitch for new affiliates. By “working” your affiliate program among your subscribers using the toolbar platform, you’ll be targeting your message towards people most likely to spread the word – and most likely to come aboard and help you crack new markets.

From the moment that site owners create a Conduit toolbar, they can start earning performance-based revenue based on the sharing of syndicated content, and toolbar installs. It’s Conduit’s own affiliate program. After all, we wouldn’t try to sell you something we hadn’t tried ourselves.

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