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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Beach In Makasar

Beach In Makasar

Tanjung Bira beach is located in the district Bulukumba. One of the attractions are worth dikunjungin beach when visiting Makassar. The beach has beautiful white sand. This beach is located about 200 km from the city of Makassar.

This place is where it manufactures pinisi ship. One of the legendary ship, and believed to have around the world. Hence, this district was called Butta Panrita Lopi or soil expert boat. Time taken during the trip from Makassar, ± 3-4 hours but it depends on the rate of each vehicle, anyway. Do not fear the trip was boring. Guaranteed fun trip going. One of them, you're going through tough field in the District of salt if Jeneponto.
The beauty of the famous beaches with white sand and blue stretch of sea that makes up the coast of Cape Bira famous abroad. No wonder that many local and foreign tourists who travel to this place.

If we are on this coast we will see the two beautiful islands, namely Liukang Island and Goat Island complements the atmosphere of Tanjung Bira beach is very charming along the eye could see. In addition, visitors can also snorkeling, diving, swimming, sunbathing or simply enjoying the beauty of this beach through a seat that has been provided.

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