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Monday, November 29, 2010

How to increase Traffic your Personal Blog

Quick Fix Number One – Social Bookmarking
Okay, so I might have dismissed social bookmarking in previous articles, but when it comes to quick fix, a little luck, talent, and timing can go a long way.  I am of course talking about the Digg Effect. When many people first start trying to learn how to increase website traffic you can pretty much guarantee they will waste hours on social bookmarking. Though they may waste hours in the long run, some people still get a bit of luck, and succeed with the Digg Effect.

Social bookmarking traffic is short term, and the link itself will be no-follow.  but if you get thousands of hits in a few days, you might just get a few decent do follow links coming back to your article!

Quick Fix Number Two – Paid Advertising
It might be expensive, but paying for an advert on a top website can often lead to a huge number of organic backlinks. The real downside of buying a high quality link is usually the cost, which can rise to $300 a month.  It can often have long standing benefits however, and if you do it right, you might earn more from sales due to the website  traffic increase you should see!

Quick Fix Number Three – Email Campaign
Whether you use your own mailing list, someone else’s mailing list, or get your link placed on an established newsletter, non spam email campaigns can be highly effective.  Remember however that this is purely one off, and is unlikely to even create a single organic do follow backlink. The good thing is that if you pay for a decent placement, a good email campaign will give you great exposure, and might get you some regular returning visitors as well.

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