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Monday, November 29, 2010

Technic Skill Or Be Lucky In SEO

There are plenty of people out there who will tell you a lot about SEO, whether they know the answers or not.  But when you really get talking to the experts you will always notice that at some point they will say how part of every success is luck.

The world of SEO is to put it bluntly, complicated, and while there are many things to do which will increase your chances of success, many people now argue that luck is simply one of the biggest SEO factors.
Before I go any further, I think I should state that I agree with this theory, but I would modify it a little.  I believe that,

“Luck is a big part in SEO, but you need to work hard on your SEO to make sure that when luck comes along, your work is as receptive as possible.”
Now what I have said here so far is pretty common knowledge, but the truth is that people can hear this, process it, understand it, but not ask the actual real question.
What is Luck? And how can we quantify luck and manufacture it to our advantage?
In truth Luck should not be a factor in SEO.  Google has a set formula for it’s search rankings, so in theory we should be able to decode it, and know exactly how to make a website successful.  In reality, this is easier said than done.  The Google Algorithm has near to 300 components, which decide where a website should go for every single imaginable keyword.

Testing minute changes to figure out exactly how a website is affected by small changes in specific areas is rendered impossible by the lag of time in which the Internet updates, and of course a single link, mention, or track back to any competing website as well as the site being tested could sqew the entire test.
Despite the daunting sound of this, there are several SEO factors which are well known and proven to be a major component in the SEO world.

Baclinking is how Google knows your site is liked by others. There are plenty of components to backlinking which govern how much each backlink benefits a website.

Keyword Optimization
Making sure your keywords are prevailent in SEO on any webpage is inredibly important.  Google wants to make sure that what you have on your webpage is relevant to what the searcher wants to read.

Many self proclaimed Internet gurus will discount PageRank as no longer being important.  Unfortunately these same people will also talk about the value of backlinks.  Just so everyone knows, page rank is the visual indication of the strength of a website, the higher the PR the higher the value of any links on it pointing to your own website.

Finding the other factors is a matter of dedication and luck, keep checking up on Traffic to my Blog though, as I will be talling you all about ranking factors in an upcoming post!

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